International Relations
Nandini Singh

The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Prospects for a Two-State Solution

The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Prospects for a Two-State Solution Anmol Yadav, Nandini Singh & Divyasri S 1.Introduction By Anmol Yadav The Israel-Palestine conflict has been on-going for more than 100 years between Jews and Arabs over a piece of land between Jordan river and the Mediterranean Sea. Between 1882 to 1948 via the Aliyah’s movement, Jews from around the world gathered in Palestine. After World War 1, the Ottoman Empire fell, and the UK got control over Palestine which was inhabited by a Jewish minority and Arab majority. The Balfour Declaration was issued after Britain gained control with the aim of establishing a home for the Jews in Palestine. However, during that period, the Arabs were in majority in Palestine. Jews favored the idea while the Palestinians rejected it. Almost 6 million Jews lost their lives in the Holocaust which also ignited further demand of a separate Jewish state. Jews claimed Palestine to be their natural home while the Arabs too did not leave the land and claimed it with the international community supporting the Jews. In 1947, the UN voted for Palestine to be split into separate Jewish and Arab states, with Jerusalem becoming an international city. That plan was accepted by Jewish leaders but rejected by the Arab side and never implemented. 2. Historical Background of the Conflict By Anmol Yadav In 1948 Britain lifted its control over the area and Jews declared the creation of Israel. Although Palestinians objected, Jews did not back out which led to an armed conflict. The neighbouring Arabs also invaded and were thrashed by the Israeli troops. This made thousands of Palestinians flee their homes. This was called Al-Nakba, or the “Catastrophe”. Israel had gained maximum control over the territory after this came to an end. Jordan then went on a war with Israel and seized control over a part of the land which was called the West Bank, and Egypt occupied Gaza. Jerusalem was divided between Israel in the West, and Jordan in the East. However, no formal peace agreement was signed, each side continued to blame each other for the tension and the region saw more wars. Israeli forces captured East Jerusalem and the West Bank, various areas of Syrian Golan Heights, Gaza and the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula in the year 1967.Israel still occupies the West Bank, and although it pulled out of Gaza the UN still regards that piece of land as part of occupied territory. Israel claims the whole of Jerusalem as its capital, while the Palestinians claim East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state. The US is one of only a handful of countries to recognize Israel’s claim to the whole of the city. 3. TWO STATES SOLUTION The “two-state solution” refers to a proposed resolution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict that envisions the establishment of two separate and independent states, one for Israelis (Israel) and the other for Palestinians (Palestine), living side by side in peace and security. Hamas forcibly took control over the Gaza Strip in 2007. Shortly thereafter, the Israelis imposed a complete closure on Gaza’s borders. They declared Gaza to be an enemy entity. Of course, Gaza is not a state. Hamas, of course, is viewed by Israel and by much of the international community as a terrorist organization, including the United States, for their history of attacks on civilians and so forth. On June 24, the UN Secretary General António Guterres told a virtual meeting of the United Nations Security Council that the Israeli Palestinian conflict is at a “watershed moment”. The Israeli plans to annex parts of the West Bank have alarmed the Palestinians, many Israelis and the international community. Such annexation would be “a most serious violation of international law”. Under international law, annexation is forcible acquisition of territory by one state at the expense of another state. Such an act even if sanctified by Israeli law is illegal under international law and would violate the universally acknowledged principle of the “inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force”.   4. Political and Diplomatic Efforts  There have been various peace Efforts like the 1978: Camp David Accords – Israel-Egypt peace treaty, 1987-1993: First Intifada – Palestinian uprising in the occupied territories and Oslo Accords – Peace negotiations between Israel and the PLO, leading to limited Palestinian self-rule.2000s saw Second Intifada of Palestinian uprising with significant violence and Israel withdrawing from the Gaza Strip but maintaining control of its borders. Hamas won Palestinian legislative elections in 2006 and took control of the Gaza Strip in a violent conflict with Fatah.2008 to 2014 saw many war uprisings continuing to the dates.   5.Major Obstacles to a Two-State Solution By Nandini Singh   5.1. Territorial disputes   The first proposal for separate Jewish and Arab states in the territory was made by the British Peel Commission report in 1937. In 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a partition plan for Palestine, leading to the1948 Palestine war. As a result, Israel was established on the area the UN had proposed for the Jewish state, as well as almost 60% of the area proposed for the Arab state. Israel took control of West Jerusalem, which was meant to be part of an international zone. Jordan took control of East Jerusalem and what became known as the West Bank, annexing it the following year. The territory which became the Gaza Strip was occupied by Egypt but never annexed. Since the 1967 Six-day War, both the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and Gaza Strip have been militarily occupied by Israel, becoming known as the Palestinian territories.   5.2. Security Concerns   During the time of Oslo in the 1990s, a vast majority of Palestinians in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip clearly accepted Yasser Arafat and the PLO as their legitimate representatives. With Arafat’s death, the failure of the peace process until now, and the rise of Hamas, these problems have worsened. Hamas, despite and perhaps because of its role in perpetrating

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Priti Pandey

Cybersecurity and Its Legal Framework

Cybersecurity has become an indispensable part of today’s digital landscape, where technological advancements offer convenience but also present numerous threats, including hacking, data breaches, and ransomware. With the cost of cybercrime projected to reach $10.5 trillion by 2025, robust legal frameworks are emerging globally to combat these challenges. Key regulations such as the GDPR in the European Union, the CISA in the United States, and India’s IT Act, 2000, aim to protect digital assets and ensure accountability. This article explores the evolution of cybersecurity, its historical context, and the ongoing legal efforts worldwide to create a secure digital environment. It emphasizes the importance of compliance strategies, strong cybersecurity policies, and the role of case law in fostering accountability for cybersecurity negligence, such as the landmark SEC v. SolarWinds case. The piece underscores the need for collaboration between nations, private entities, and international organizations to strengthen cybersecurity defenses and build a resilient digital future.

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International Relations
Tanuj Samaddar

The Strategic Ramifications of CPEC: A Disquisition on Its Impact on India’s Geopolitical and Border Security Paradigm

Authors : Tanuj Samaddar, A R Sangeetha, Md. Rizwan, Ankush Kumar   Within the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) framework, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a flagship undertaking of great significance throughout South Asia as a strategically significant regional, economic, and geopolitical undertaking. Wolf (2019) conceived the corridor between the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China and the Gwadar Port in the Balochistan province of Pakistan via a sprawling network of roads, railways, energy initiatives, and special economic zones (SEZs). New Delhi sees CPEC as a significant security threat that violates India’s sovereignty, escalates border tensions, and redraws regional power disparities, even though Beijing touts it as a forerunner of economic revitalization and regional connectivity.  (Pant and Joshi , 2017) Its passage through the disputed Gilgit-Baltistan territory, a region still a crucial part of the former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir and subject to territorial claim by India, is the main argument supporting India’s strategic concerns on CPEC. CPEC’s effects cover a more Chinese military presence in the Indian Ocean Region, the militarization of economic corridors, and regional economic architecture realignment. Through the lenses of sovereignty, economic dependence, military tactics, and geopolitical reconfigurations, this research charts the complex security consequences of CPEC for India. This study seeks to provide a subtle view of the manifold security threats presented by CPEC and the corresponding countermeasures India uses to minimize its negative effects by combining a large amount of academic work. The sovereignty narrative surrounding the CPEC has caused intense unease among Indian policy and strategic circles. Pant and Joshi (2017) among others argue that the corridor’s crossing through Gilgit-Baltistan directly violates India’s territorial integrity, hence supporting Pakistan’s effective administrative authority over the area. Kumar (2019) adds that China’s infrastructure related spending in the area practically acknowledges Pakistan’s territorial claims, thereby worsening the legal and political deadlock over Kashmir. India’s strategic apprehensions are further accentuated by the potential encirclement effect precipitated by China’s economic corridors, collectively known as the ‘String of Pearls’ strategy (Brewster, 2018).  The encirclement theory posits that Beijing’s financial statecraft is fundamentally tied to its larger geostrategic aims, where infrastructural investments act as channels for security leverage  In addition, India’s positive outreach to regional actors—namely Iran, Afghanistan, and Central Asian Republics—through infrastructural ventures like the Chabahar Port and the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) is indicative of a move to offset Pakistan’s geoeconomic centrality in CPEC. The synergizing of Indo-Pacific alliances, more specifically through the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad), is an adjunct mechanism to counterbalance Chinese strategic gains (Jacob, 2020).   Economic and Military Aspects of CPEC Influencing India’s National Security The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has fundamentally altered the economic landscape of South Asia, with notable implications for India’s national security. Pakistan’s increasing reliance on Chinese investments has spurred significant infrastructure development along India’s western border, raising fears of strategic encirclement. The corridor linking Gwadar Port to China’s Xinjiang province enhances Pakistan’s logistical capabilities, allowing for more efficient military mobilization (Pant,2018) . Chinese involvement in vital transport and energy projects in Pakistan challenges India’s trade networks, potentially diminishing India’s influence in South Asia (Small, 2020). Furthermore, as Pakistan grapples with a growing debt burden from the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects, this economic imbalance has become closer aligned with Chinese policies, thereby complicating India’s geopolitical position (Rana,2021).   The military implications of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) present significant security concerns for India, especially given the increasing Chinese presence at Gwadar Port. Analysts indicate that what was initially intended as a trade hub may now serve dual military functions, potentially allowing China to station naval assets in the Arabian Sea (Singh, 2019). This development raises apprehensions about a possible Chinese-Pakistani naval partnership, which could undermine India’s maritime security. Moreover, CPEC traverses Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (POK), a region that India claims as its own. China’s investments in infrastructure, including highways and railways in POK, bolster Pakistan’s ability to mobilize forces along the Line of Control (LoC), heightening border tensions. Furthermore, reports suggest that Chinese-funded security deployments along the CPEC route have increased militarization in border areas, raising the likelihood of potential conflict scenarios (Sharma, 2022).   The expanding military and economic partnership between China and Pakistan has prompted a more assertive Pakistani approach to border disputes, resulting in a rise in ceasefire violations along the Line of Control (LoC) (Malik, 2022). This corridor enhances China’s geo-economic influence, positioning it as a key South Asian player and marginalizing India’s role in the region. The potential for a two-front war scenario—where India could face simultaneous military threats from China to the north and Pakistan to the west—has become a significant concern for India’s defense strategists. Furthermore, China’s debt-trap diplomacy in Pakistan raises alarms about long-term geopolitical realignments, posing an additional threat to India’s strategic interests. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has significantly transformed India’s national security landscape, impacting economic sovereignty and military readiness. The corridor’s path through Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) has exacerbated border conflicts, and Pakistan’s increasing economic dependence on China fortifies the Sino-Pak alliance, thereby challenging India’s position in the region. From a military perspective, the potential dual-use nature of Gwadar Port, alongside infrastructure that enhances Pakistan’s military mobility, heightens the risk of cross-border skirmishes. In response to these developments, India must bolster its border security, strengthen alliances with global partners, and seek to expand alternative trade routes, such as Chabahar Port. Addressing these complex challenges necessitates a comprehensive security strategy integrating diplomatic, economic, and military measures to protect India’s strategic interests. Impact of CPEC in Indo-Pak border In such a scenario, which is likely to be created by India’s concessions to Pakistan, the Indo-Pak border dimensions along with border dynamics would substantially change. Such considerations most certainly include the geographical base of Pakistan and India as an extension of these countries to Afghanistan as it brings the vast areas of Balochistan, Sindh, and the southern provinces of Afghanistan into geographical proximity to the western borders of northern India via scanty highlands and plateaus connecting these desert-based provinces.

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No Poverty

Urbanization, Poverty, and Policy Interventions in India: Challenges and Pathways Forward

Urban poverty remains a pressing challenge in developing economies, shaped by rapid urbanization, inadequate housing, and economic disparities. This article explores key policies, including housing schemes and social protection measures, assessing their impact on vulnerable communities while proposing sustainable strategies for inclusive urban development and improved livelihoods.

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Ajit kumar

AI and Data Protection: We Truly Protected by our Data Shield

1.Ajit Kumar  2.Pranjal Sahay  3. Deepika Mehra  4. Sakshi Agarwal    AbstractAs we know, the use of AI is increasing day by day. The advent of AI has brought significant changes on a global scale. Due to AI, manual work has been reduced, and smart automation has evolved. The accuracy of work has increased, and human labour has decreased. AI also saves time. However, with the rise of AI, the misuse of personal data is also increasing. Individuals, companies, and organizations can collect, use, and dispose of personal data with the help of AI. In this technological era, the misuse of personal data is not a big challenge for those skilled in technology. Data misuse is rising, and the crucial question is: how can we control it? Controlling data misuse is a challenging task in today’s digital age. This paper discusses the steps taken at both global and national levels to regulate the misuse of personal data. The European Union implemented the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on May 25, 2018 to safeguard individuals’ privacy. On the other hand, the United States has adopted a sectoral approach to data protection. Various regulations have been enacted, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), to regulate data privacy in different sectors. Canada has also introduced legislation to ensure data protection—the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Recently, Nigeria replaced its old data protection law with the Nigeria Data Protection Act, 2023. Similarly, India passed its new data protection legislation, the Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDP Act) of 2023, which came into effect on September 1, 2023. IntroductionThe emergence of artificial intelligence has proved to be a boon for society, benefiting not only individuals but also industries. AI has become a necessary evil in today’s world. It is a man-made intellect created to drive innovation and creativity. AI has demonstrated its significance in ways that were once considered impossible. It not only predicts problems but also provides solutions that can be implemented when needed. From an industrial perspective, AI is contributing its intelligence across various sectors, including education, healthcare, logistics and transportation, retail and e-commerce, banking and financial institutions, and many more. Today, AI is no longer just a luxury but a necessity in our daily lives. However, what is a boon today may become a bane tomorrow, as every coin has two sides. While AI offers immense benefits, it also poses threats, such as the infringement of individuals’ privacy and the rise of cybercrime, which can harm society and hinder progress. To address these challenges, global initiatives have been taken by legislators to protect individual rights and maintain law and order. Legislation has been introduced in the form of data protection laws, such as India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDP Act), the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States. These regulations aim to govern how organizations collect, process, and store personal data, highlighting the importance of human intelligence in overseeing artificial intelligence. History of Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence has become an essential part of our lives. To better understand its functioning, let’s explore its origins. The roots of AI can be traced back to ancient times, as seen in Greek mythology’s mechanical birds and the Golem. The ideas of Aristotle also played a crucial role in shaping early conceptions of AI. Later development in AI With the advent of the digital revolution, scientists envisioned creating a machine that could mimic human intellect. This led to the birth of AI. The term “Artificial Intelligence” was first coined during the Dartmouth Conference. The 1950s and 1960s witnessed early successes in game playing and theorem proving; however, the “AI Winter” of the 1970s followed due to unfulfilled expectations for progress. In the 1980s, expert systems were developed to solve problems using rule-based reasoning. By the 1990s, computing power and data availability had significantly increased. Additionally, machine learning expanded, enabling systems to learn from data without explicit programming. By 2010, neural networks began achieving significant advances in complex data analysis, including image and language processing. A major turning point occurred with the Turing Test, where IBM’s Deep Blue defeated a chess champion, and AlphaGo defeated a Go champion. As AI continues to develop, it has the potential to revolutionize society; however, ethical concerns such as algorithmic bias and employment displacement must be carefully considered. Opportunities with AI AI presents an incredible opportunity, knocking at our doors. This opportunity can be understood from three different perspectives: individual perspective, industrial perspective, and contingent perspective. Individual Perspective AI can be integrated into individuals’ lives to alleviate loneliness. It provides an emotional quotient, offering companionship, especially to people who live alone—whether due to employment reasons or personal circumstances. Certain AI tools like Alexa, Siri, and Rabbit R1 not only answer queries but also engage in polite and meaningful conversations, making users feel less isolated. These technologies act as digital companions or acquaintances. Industrial Perspective AI has benefitted various sectors of society, not just at a national level but on a global scale. Education Sector AI has enabled students to expand their knowledge beyond traditional fields. With the help of AI-powered prompt engineering, students can enhance their research and innovation. It has simplified learning by introducing technologies that prepare students for interviews, skill acquisition, and exploration. Teachers can track students’ progress using AI software like Brisk Teaching, Grade scope, School AI, Magic School, and more. Healthcare Industry AI has proved to be a boon in the healthcare industry. With advanced monitoring technologies, diseases can now be detected in their earlier stages, improving patient outcomes. AI has also reduced errors in dosage administration, introduced virtual nursing assistants, minimized fraud, and streamlined administrative procedures. Transportation Industry In transportation, AI has introduced electric and autonomous vehicles, reducing fuel consumption and environmental impact. These innovations not only cut costs on petrol and diesel but also contribute to a cleaner environment by reducing

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Gender Equality
Advik Mohan

Rural Women in Indian Politics

This post looked at the progress in the realm political participation made by Indian rural women since independence. The historical context of Indian women in politics was provided alongside, the progress made such as in the Panchayati Raj institutions. Additionally, the lingering challenges for women, including women representatives reduced to symbolic figures and the persistence of gender stereotypes were looked into. A comparative study of differing women’s representation in the states of Odisha and Karnataka was also conducted. This study showed how economic progress for women does not automatically translate into political empowerment; unless supported by sufficient political will. Finally, suggestions were made for enhancing the representation of women in Indian politics.

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Public Policies
Chhavi Thakur

Ethical AI Frameworks for Financial Inclusion in Developing Economies: A Case Study of India

Incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) in financial services can significantly improve financial inclusion in developing countries, especially in India, where a large segment of the population is either unbanked or inadequately served. Nonetheless, the application of AI in this area presents ethical dilemmas, such as bias, insufficient transparency, concerns regarding data privacy, and the possibility of marginalizing disadvantaged groups. This research paper aims to tackle these issues by creating a context-specific ethical AI framework designed for the Indian financial sector, focusing on principles of fairness, inclusivity, and accountability.

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Gender Equality
Abhishek Singh

Strengthening HER Future: Evaluating Women Centric Policies

India is moving from women’s development to women-led development, which ensures women’s active participation in society. The government has worked on various schemes focused on improving education, employment, healthcare, and safety for women.

The ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ scheme attempts to change the child sex ratio alongside child education, but budgetary slippages and poor inter-departmental coordination continue to constrain the scheme. The ‘Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana’ funds maternity benefits through conditional cash transfers, but awareness and fund disbursement is insufficiently robust. The ‘Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana’ issues unsecured credit to women entrepreneurs, but suffers from under-education, misuse of loans, and over-indebtedness amongst women business owners.

While there has been advancement through these programs, a lot more needs work. There needs to be involvement from the government and the private sector as well as civil society to successfully promote the long-term well being and empowerment of women in India.

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Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Rubin cyriac

ESG Reporting- history, present and future- A comparative study of India and United States

This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the evolution, significance, and future of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reporting, with a comparative study between India and the United States. It explores the historical development of ESG frameworks, regulatory compliance, investor influence, and corporate accountability. The study also highlights key trends, challenges like greenwashing, and the role of technology in improving ESG transparency. Finally, it examines the future trajectory of ESG reporting and its potential for global standardization.

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Rupal Gurjar

Evolving Struggles : Tribal Rights , Land Displacement, and the Quest for Justice in India

This article examines the evolving relationship between India’s tribal communities and their land across colonial, post-colonial, and modern phases. Despite constitutional safeguards like PESA (1996) and FRA (2006), tribes face displacement, economic marginalization, and political exclusion due to industrial projects, mining, and conservation efforts. Case studies, including the Narmada Dam and Vedanta’s Niyamgiri Hills project, highlight ongoing struggles. The article underscores the gap between legal protections and ground realities, emphasizing the urgent need for effective implementation and justice.

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