Role of Parenting in psychological issues in children
Role of Parenting in psychological issues in children Children of today are given mobile phones, PCs, internet etc at a very young age. He or she has access to everything that can be a potential threat to them because they are at a vulnerable age where they are still developing and are easy to influence. These technologies are exposing them to media and content that is negatively impacting the children and the younger generations are a proof of it today. What is addiction ? Addiction refers to a condition wherein the person is unable to separate themselves from certain things, they need it, have increased tolerance to it that is they can keep increasing it’s consumption each time and if it is taken away from them they can’t live with that and may react very aggressively, lack of control etc. Addiction is not only to substances like caffeine, alcohol, opioids etc but in this digital world also to the internet, social media, games etc. Globally 26.99% children are smartphone addicted 17.42% are social media addicted 14.22% have internet addiction, and 6.04% are game addicts, boys are mostly game and internet addicted (Meng et al., 2022). While according to The Hindu there are 1.5 crore children between age 10 to 17 who are addicted to substances in India (The Hindu, 2022). Addiction is a complex process but it usually occurs due to changes in brain chemistry. Whenever we do something rewarding, “feel good” chemicals are released in the body that makes one do that thing again and again. In case of addiction ( a disease) certain things like substances, spending money, sex etc can stimulate a release of these chemicals in great amounts and the person finds themselves wanting to do that thing, with time they no longer feel the same pleasure as before as then they increase its consumption and get stuck in a loop where they constantly repeat it while also increasing its intake. Problem with addiction in children Addiction is especially very problematic in children because their brain is not completely developed so it is very easy for them to become addicted as well as it is more harmful as well as it can later traumatise them and develop into mental disorders. Today a child has a plethora of game options to choose from. While there are some games that are beneficial which are also used by psychologists on their clients for treatment and rehabilitation of certain disorders as these games help improve cognitive functioning. Similar effect of improvement in cognition is seen with activities like sports and arts (Rosyati et al., 2020). That is why for optimal development of a child games are also vital. It was seen in professional gamers that the brain volume and functionality in the insular region (region in the brain associated with language processing, taste, smell and interpersonal abilities) is increased (Rosyati et al., 2020). But mostly the games children are playing today are harming them because these are usually online games which glue them to their screens for long durations. This is impacting their physical health because there is lack of movement throughout the day which is very crucial at an age where they are growing and so their muscles need to be worked for a strong body. The problem with these games doesn’t end there, the children are addicted. They are spending hours playing online games. Research found that children and adolescents with game addiction show changed brain structure and function and have limited control on their impulses (Rosyati et al., 2020). They have phones and PCs which means they must also have access to the internet. Children are living virtually more than in real life, if they want to talk to their friends they would prefer texting them rather than meeting them. They spend hours on the internet and social media but they don’t have friends and they don’t know how to make friends in the real world, they compare themselves with people online and feel jealous or envious, acquire insecurities, feel lonely, feel less worthy. Internet addiction affects a child’s physical and mental health by interfering with their exercise time and sleep time (Zhou, Zhu et al., 2022). Not only this but high-risk Internet users don’t have proper diet quality and also ill dietary behaviour which can hinder in healthy growth and development of the individual (Kim, Park et al. 2010 ). Internet addiction is associated with higher sympathetic activity that indicates increased heart rate and lower parasympathetic activity (Pi-Chu Lin et al., 2014). There are a lot of adverse effects of addiction problems which can be categorised into : Physical health : They are at a higher risk of developing health issues like due to their lack of activities. They are at a risk of getting obese, having poor eyesight etc. They are also exposed to radiation coming from these devices for long periods of time. They also suffer from insomnia. Mental health : They are more likely to be lonely, anxious, stressed etc and have lower self esteem due to overconsumption of media online. They can feel they are lacking behind. In severe cases they may develop depression and anxiety disorder. Social health : Due to spending the majority of their time indoors virtually, they lack social skills, they won’t be able to build social bonds or maintain them. In severe cases they can develop disorders like social conduct disorder, antisocial behaviour etc. Academics : Many researches have shown that addicted children suffer academically. They are unable to score well, pay attention in the class, problem solve etc. Role of parenting in child development We know children grow up looking at their parents so parenting style and family environment matters for raising a healthy and happy child. The major types of parenting styles are authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and neglectful. Authoritarian parenting style is in which the parents exercise complete control over their children with no flexibility for child’s emotions, strict rules, no chance for children